Chop, Chop, DONATE!

Hey Internets, do you donate to charities?  I do.  But I, like many of you [I’m assuming] like to do it on my own terms.  I hate that thing at the grocery store check-out that asks me if I want to donate to a charity then makes me feel like an asshole for clicking “not now” which we all know means just “NO”.

Or even worse, when the cashier actually asks you if you would like to donate to St. Jude’s Hospital or Men’s Cancer Research and you decline and you have to suffer the judgement of not only the cashier but of the people in line behind you because clearly you hate babies and testicles.

Maybe I just donated at the last 10 stores, people!!!

Clicking that “NO” doesn’t mean I don’t give.  I’m just not giving right now…at this particular moment when I’m just trying to purchase some fucking bags of goodness that I will hopefully bring home and be able to assemble into some sort of meal for my family later.  Later being after I drink some boxed wine and consider not cooking at all.


Let’s get to the point of today’s publication.  Donating to charities or causes is a personal decision.  A decision that should not be forced upon you as to when and whom you choose to give your donation to.

I have donated the fuck out of my awesome hair for ten+ years.  That involves three years of growing my hair EACH TIME and dealing with it’s jerky-ness because, you know what?  I want some child out there with whatever awful disease that has prevented them from growing their own hair to have a beautiful human-hair wig.

It’s important for me to do this.

 I suffer neck pain and headaches and just plain frustration for years to donate my hair.  But my suffering is nothing compared to what these children are dealing with.  So I do it again and again because, like I said, it’s important to me and it’s my choice.

So stop judging me Grocery Store Credit Card Scanner.  Stop judging me.


Try and focus on the hair and NOT my crab-claw hands wherein one is wrapped in the FOUR hair-ties that it took to hold this hair in a pony-tail.



I’m aware that there is a Welcome sign growing out of my head. Again, the hair.


Good luck to the unsuspecting child who gets this shit! (Buy a flat iron and lots of Moroccan Oil!)


I feel like I owe her some new shears after this.



She is having WAY too much fun hacking off my locks! She was AWESOME!


"Why do you have so much hair???" "I don't know!!!"

“Why do you have so much hair???”
“I don’t know!!!”



Thank you to Lauren for a fabulous haircut and for being a woman who is involved in this amazing cause.

Thank you to my bitchin’ cousin who accompanied me to this event, took these photos (with my big girl camera!) AND poured the Mimosas.  I love her.

 *There are many  organizations where one can donate their hair.  I won’t promote any one here as I feel like it is a personal choice.  Please spread the word about this cause so that you or someone you know may be able to help out a person in need of this type of donation.  The link below provides information on the many options for donation

Places To Donate Hair




A Terrifying Mountain Pass. Or Maybe It’s Just Beautiful And I’m Crazy.

My previous post featured photos of Lake Flaming Gorge, UT.  I implied it would be a series so here is installment numero dos.

I traveled to Lake Flaming Gorge with someone.  I left the lake and traveled home on my own…on a road I had never traveled before.  I was told there was a mountain pass with a narrow road and no guard rails.  In my mind I wished for Valium.  But then I un-wished it because Valium probably does more harm than good for people operating moving vehicles.

I don’t know when it happened exactly, but somewhere along the road (no pun intended) I became terrified of mountain passes, tunnels, parking garages, and drive-through car washes.  Panic-attacks and tears (and maybe an incident of throwing up in my mouth) have been common occurrences at places like Monarch PassEisenhower Tunnel and Brown Bear Car Wash.   It’s gotten worse over the years.  I suspect someday I will be unable to travel at all.  So get ready for lots of photos of my cats…in my backyard.



I don’t know who the sadistic son-of-a-bitch is who put a “highway” through here but he needs to be throat punched.  See that speed limit sign?  It says 25mph.  So I did 9.


















Aside from the utter fear I felt while traveling this pass, it was really beautiful.  I plan on scoring some sedatives and having my husband drive me over this pass when Colorado is in full on Autumn glory because those colors are fucking amazing.


Cheers ~ SF


I miss Seattle.  I miss the water.  I miss the boats.  So when I had an opportunity to go to Lake Flaming Gorge this past weekend I was all over that shit.  I had high hopes for fabulous photo opportunities.  But boats NEVER STOP MOVING. Even when they aren’t moving, they’re moving.  I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this before I got super excited about taking photos.  This is the first in my series from the trip.  Stay tuned for more mediocre pictures of birds, a crappy painting I did, and a terrifying mountain pass!


Cedar Springs Marina

Cedar Springs Marina





Despite many efforts not a fish was caught while I was there.

Despite many efforts not a fish was caught while I was there.








If you follow my page on The Facebook you may have already seen a few of these images.  If you don’t follow me on The Facebook and feel like you need to see more of my photo wins and fails, you should totally follow me as I post more often there because I’m lazy.  Or maybe I’m too busy drinking boxed wine on my patio taking pictures of my cats .  Whatevs.



Cheers ~ SF

Photographing A Pro Motocross Race (Or WTF Was I Thinking)

I have been riding motorcycles since I was a kid.  I love it.  My husband loves it.  We watch the races together every weekend and my husband also rides.  I don’t currently have a motorcycle but that shit is going to be corrected soon.

We recently attended the Nationals at Thunder Valley Motocross Park in Lakewood, CO.




I’m still learning photography and my camera and my lenses and editing and all that shit so I’m not sure what the fuck I was thinking trying to photograph professional racers going Mach-Two with their goddamn hair on fire but I did it.  I shot 600+ frames hoping that 3 would turn out ok.

Be kind.

(also, I know I need to update this site but I’ve been busy drinking a shit-ton of boxed wine since the move)


:click images to make bigger and less more awesome:

















Cheers ~ SF